Celebrate Valentine’s Day with the ultimate expression of love: the Yelena Heart bouquet, featuring the best flowers for Valentine’s Day. Adorned with fresh pink roses, this exquisite arrangement captures the essence of romance and affection. Perfect for expressing true love, this heart-shaped bouquet is a symbol of devotion and passion. Surprise your beloved with this special gift on February 14th, and let the beauty of pink roses convey your heartfelt emotions.
The Yelena Heart bouquet features the best flowers for Valentine’s Day. Adorned with fresh pink roses, this exquisite arrangement captures the essence of romance and affection. Perfect for expressing true love, this heart-shaped bouquet is a symbol of devotion and passion. Surprise your beloved with this special gift on February 14th, and let the beauty of pink roses convey your heartfelt emotions. The Yelena Heart bouquet is the best gift for Valentine’s Day, ensuring a celebration filled with love and enchantment.
Arrangement includes:
- Fresh Black Petal
- Signature roses
- BP Heart-Shaped box measured at 45.72 cm “W x 45.72 cm L x 16.51 cm H
- Care instructions
- Custom greeting card
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