A bright and luxuriously designed bouquet, our florists have focused on the flower of the moment: the hydrangea. This purple variety has a striking color and study construction, the ideal complement to pink spray roses, peach carnations & fragrant eucalyptus.
Medium – 2 purple hydrangea, 3 hot pink spray roses, 3 purple roses, 3 orange carnations, 3 rose hips, 3 astrantia, 1 bunch of eucalyptus berries
Large – 3 purple hydrangea, 5 hot pink spray roses, 5 purple roses, 5 orange carnations, 5 rose hips, 5 astrantia, 1.5 bunches of eucalyptus berries
grandiose – 4 purple hydrangea, 7 hot pink spray roses, 7 purple roses, 7 orange carnations, 7 rose hips, 7 astrantia, 2 bunches of eucalyptus berries
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