250 Signature Roses mixed with peonies, this blush bouquet is sure to take your breath away. Blush Rosita Vendetta roses delicately inserted into the box creating a dome shape and atop lush crispy peonies to stun the recipient! Express your feelings with the world’s most exquisite flowers by Black Petal Flowers !
Arrangement includes:
- Fresh Black Petal Signature roses
- Black Petals Signature 9 Premium peonies
- Black Petals Grandiose box measured at 45.7 cm Dia. X 24.10 cm H
- Care instructions
- Custom greeting card
Please note that if no variations from the list are chosen, you will receive the featured arrangement unless a substitution may need to be made based on the season, availability of flowers, or other unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances occur. By making a purchase on this website, the customer authorizes substitutions within a specific color palette. Necessary substitutions to the arrangement will be at the designer’s discretion.
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