Celebrate special moments with our Jumbo Red and White Signature Roses in a Beret. This stunning arrangement of fresh black and red flowers, including exquisite roses, is a perfect gift for a happy marriage or an anniversary of friendship. The elegant beret presentation adds a touch of sophistication, making it a memorable gift for your loved ones.
Each rose in this bouquet symbolizes love, passion, and unity, ideal for expressing your heartfelt emotions on a happy marriage anniversary. The vibrant mix of black and red roses creates a striking contrast, reflecting the depth and beauty of your relationship. Let this unique arrangement of Jumbo Red and White Signature Roses in a Beret convey your best wishes and celebrate the joy of your cherished connections.
Arrangement includes:
- Fresh 250 Black petal Signature red and white rose
- Black petal Jumbo box measured at 38 cm Dia. x 56 cm H
- Care instructions
- Custom greeting card
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