The Graceful in White bouquet is a timeless favorite, cherished by florists and customers alike. This elegant arrangement features a stunning blend of white hydrangeas, roses, veronicas, spray roses, viburnum, Ornithogalum, eucalyptus, and ivy berries. It exudes sophistication that makes any occasion special, making it an ideal choice to convey grace and beauty.
Madium – 2 white hydrangea, 2 viburnum, 2 white ornithogalum, 2 white roses, 2 white spray roses, 2 white veronica, 0.5 bunches of eucalyptus
Large – 3 white hydrangea, 3 viburnum, 3 white ornithogalum, 3 white roses, 3 white spray roses, 3 white veronica, 1 bunch of eucalyptus
Grandiose – 4 white hydrangea, 5 viburnum, 5 white ornithogalum, 5 white roses, 5 white spray roses, 5 white veronica, 1.5 bunches of eucalyptus
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