The Golden Vuvuzela Bouquet is a masterpiece of vibrant blooms and lush greenery, designed to double any celebration. This elegant arrangement radiates warmth and joy, making it a perfect choice for spreading happiness and love. Whether as a grand gesture or a simple token of affection, the Golden Vuvuzela Bouquet comes in three versatile sizes to suit every occasion beautifully.
Medium: 7 yellow vuvuzelas, 7 peach stocks, 5 poppies, 5 camomile, 5 solidagos, 1 bunch of seasonal greenery
Large: 12 yellow vuvuzela, 12 peach stocks, 6 poppies, 6 camomile, 6 solidago, 1.5 bunches of seasonal greenery
Grandiose: 16 yellow vuvuzela, 16 peach stocks, 8 poppies, 8 camomile, 8 solidago, 2 bunches of seasonal greenery
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