This Forget Me Not lisianthus flower bouquet consists of spray roses, buttercup roses, hydrangeas, buttercup roses, white spray roses, yellow ranunculus, green lisianthus, and bupleurum. It means a lot to those we love, so we will remember Forget Me Not as a lovely token of people with whom we are connected.
To a mother, it still holds the message of eternal love and constant guidance which she, herself, is to her children. To a father, it means power and knowledge, a reiteration of his constant love and constant care. For any son, brother, or sister it symbolizes love and happiness; it is a symbol of this precious connection no money can replace. To the special one to a fiancé, wife, or husband it shows that the love being expressed will be unwavering and eternal.
Large: 4 blue hydrangeas, 8 buttercup roses, 8 white spray roses, 8 yellow ranunculus, 8 forget me not, 8 green lisianthus, 4 bupleurum, and 1 bunch of seasonal greenery
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