A cherry temptation bouquet is a perfect way to express your love. Every blossom speaks a word of love – the rose, which stands for deep love, or the lily for purity and loyalty. In this stylish flower bouquet, each petal embodies the message of your emotions without having to say anything. Bring your loved one a carnation flower bouquet and build meaningful moments as this bouquet turns into a tangible gesture of love. Each flower in this beautiful bouquet gradually becomes a warm memory as soon as it unfolds.
Medium – 20 mixed carnations, 10 red roses, 5 purple astrantia, 5 white wax flowers, 0.5 bunch of salal
Large – 40 mixed carnations, 15 red roses, 7 purple astrantia, 7 white wax flowers, 1 bunch of salal
Grandiose – 60 mixed carnations, 20 red roses, 9 purple astrantias, 9 white wax flowers, 1.5 bunches of salal
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