Orange roses indicate enthusiasm and passion, making them a creative substitute for the typically bought red roses. This bold and fiery bloom often stands for desire, fascination, enthusiasm and energy. The orange rose can say “I am so proud of you” with their meaning of admiration and excitement. Feeling unenergized lately? Place a bouquet of these bold beauties in your house for a burst of energy! Express your feelings with the world’s most exquisite flowers by Black Petal Flowers !
Arrangement includes:
- Fresh Black Petal Signature roses
- Black Petal Medium box measured at 25 cm Dia. x 23.5 cm H
- Black Petal Regular box measured at 18 cm Dia. x 23.5 cm H
- large box measured at 29.5 cm Dia. x 23.5 cm H
- Care instructions
- Custom greeting card
Please note that if no variations from the list are chosen, you will receive the featured arrangement unless a substitution may need to be made based on the season, availability of flowers, or other unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances occur. By making a purchase on this website, the customer authorizes substitutions within a specific color palette. Necessary substitutions to the arrangement will be at the designer’s discretion.
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