In this striking, new bouquet we’ve paired bright oranges with reds and subtle greens for a colour combination which brings out the most from each flower. Enjoy pastel hued roses, bright helichrysum, viburnum and freesias delivered to your doorstep today with Black Petals.
Medium – 7x Roses, 7x Asclpia, 3x Viburnum or Green Filler, 1x Bunch of Freesias, 7x Yellow Helichrysanthemums, 1x Bunch of Seasonal Greenery
Large – 9x Roses, 9x Asclpia, 5x Viburnum or Green Filler, 1.5x Bunch of Freesias, 9x Yellow Helichrysanthemums, 1.5x Bunch of Seasonal Greenery
Grandiose – 11x Roses, 11x Asclpia, 5x Viburnum or Green Filler, 2x Bunch of Freesias, 11x Yellow Helichrysanthemums, 2x Bunch of Seasonal Greenery
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